Tag Archives: SEO strategies


Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Double Your Search Traffic


It is crucial to understand search engine optimization techniques. As by applying these techniques on your website you can upsurge traffic rate tremendously.

If you want to stay in the top search rankings then you have to do a lot of research and experimentation. But once you are clear with the notion of SEO techniques then no one can stop you.

According to HubSpot, 80% of a website’s traffic starts with a search query. That is the reason why SEO is much vital these days. You can just double the traffic of your website by exerting SEO techniques.

In this post, we are going to discuss some of the topnotch, competent and advanced SEO techniques.

Advanced Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Advanced Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Be aware of your user’s needs:

It is one of the most vital facets of advanced SEO techniques. You first have to understand what your customers expect from you or what is the topic of their interest.

By doing this you can engross more audience towards your website or blogs. You also have to keep an eye on the feedback of your customers. By this, you can know more about your audience and can spawn your content accordingly.

There are many ways by which you can know about your audience interest. Some of them are using social media platforms, visitors comments on your blogs and many etc.

Assure the responsive layout of your website:

You all are aware of the fact that nowadays ratio of people using mobile for browsing the web is more. Hence, it is one of the crucial facets of any of the websites.

If you will not design your website to be responsive then directly you are losing your customers. It is one of the best search engine optimization techniques.

Google also gives higher rank to those websites which are responsive. Designing your website to look good on mobile devices is not unique it is a standard now.

More than 60% of daily searches are now performed on mobile devices. Hence, you cannot take a risk to have a non-responsive website.

Spawn SEO optimized landing pages:

These days there is a trend of designing elegant landing pages. The more the landing page the more the traffic on your website. Just consider if you design your landing pages with SEO optimized coding then it will just boost the traffic.

While you are designing your landing page then you have to keep some key points in mind. They are; you have to use pertinent content, include a call to action, and try to use no navigation.

It is a fact that most of the companies do not understand the sheer importance of landing pages. But, it is one of the most crucial advanced SEO techniques among all listed here.

Update website content at regular intervals:

It is good to keep your blogs and website content up to date as per the contemporary trends. As if you do not update your content on a regular basis then you might lose website traffic.

Suppose you are a blogger and you have updated many blogs till now. Then, there will be some old blogs which are giving you traffic till now as well.

So, you can update the content of that blogs also and take advantage of them. A headline is something much vital so you have to use an eye-catching headline in your blogs.

Legitimate Keyword Research:

You have to do a pertinent keyword research and have to target those keywords. It is vital as per the advanced SEO techniques. Can also keep an eye on your competitor’s keyword if they are doing well than you.

By doing this you can also reach the same level as your competitor or even better than them. You can also use the same keyword as that of them and can spawn better content.

In order to know the email marketing strategy of your competitor you just have to sign in for your competitor’s newsletter. Then you are done that is you will aware of their technique.

Keep an eye on Google search console:  

Keep an eye on Google search console
Keep an eye on Google search console

It is one of the vital tools which track the issues in your site which are affecting search rankings. If you are not using this currently then here I am telling you to step by step procedure to do this.

In the search console, there are three main things which you have to check on regular intervals.

  1. Check if there is any crawl error like 404.
  2. Submission of new sitemaps
  3. Research the keyword people are using to find you.

After signing into Google search console, the page appears is dashboard page. If there are some issues you have to solve urgently they all will appear at the top “new and important. You can check out your error history and report by clicking on crawl errors.

Do SEO audit:

Search Engine Optimization Audit
Search Engine Optimization Audit

You all are aware of the term audit. So, you have to do a complete SEO audit of your website. This is one of the potent search engine optimization techniques. By doing an audit you came to know that why you are not getting sufficient traffic and sales.

Auditing is done in order to find out where you are at present and how you can be more effective in the future. Many of the companies also provide auditing facilities but it is good to do it manually. As by this, you can save a lot of your money.

Use of Infographics:

Graphics will let people understand more than only text. So, you can design infographics in order to represent your product or services. It will let convoluted information delivered in an easily understandable format.

Representing information in the form of infographics is considered to be one of the best-advanced SEO techniques. A high-quality and pertinent infographic will upsurge traffic of your website by approx 192%.

Although, most of the people do not pay attention to the text part rather give sheer importance to graphics. Human brain grasps visual information faster as compare to the plain text.


Here I have listed some of the best search engine optimization techniques. By applying all of them you can upsurge the traffic of your website to a greater extent.

WordPress SEO Strategies to Improve Rankings

Essential WordPress SEO Strategies to Improve Rankings

WordPress SEO

Any website that has entered the online world knows that in order to survive they require regular traffic. The simplest way to ensure that people find out about you and click on the website is by improving the ranking.

This ranking directly depends on the WordPress SEO strategies which should be used on the website to allow Google to declare you as the high priority search results.

Any WordPress user be it a blogger, online store or just an informative business website they all focus on the WordPress SEO.

The attractive theme, mind-blowing images, and videos everything will be left hidden in the background if the ranking is not improved.

The search engine bots should be able to crawl to the website and find it without efforts. There are a lot of essential WordPress SEO strategies that make a website friendly.

They all might be relevant to your website or you have the option of choosing the ones that you deem fit.

Content is Irreplaceable:- There is no argument here that content is the king. The leaders in this field experience higher traffic than non-leaders.

In order to improve the ranking, the content should not be compromised. The content should always be targeted at the visitors.

Whoever is coming to your site need relevant information, if that is not provided it increases the bounce rate that negatively affects the image of the website.

With informative and quality content the visitors are likely to become loyal and return to the website giving you regular visitors. The content can stand apart from the crowd when there are images and visual contents.

Keyword density is optimized and keywords are used strategically. Have a niche and be authoritative with the information.

Update the content on a regular basis and change the stats and information when requires so that it does not become obsolete.

Have guests writers add a new perspective to your thoughts and ideas. Take all necessary steps so that the visitors know that this site will have relevant information they require.

Play with Keywords: – Of course, your site is using the popular keywords that are being used, but now is the time to give a look at how effectively one is doing so? While creating the content use the keyword in a mindful way.

It is a word that is searched by the visitors on the search engine. One cannot be just sure himself what these words are it is best to use some tips and research what people are searching these days.

These researched keywords should be the ones which should be included in the content. It is the best way to connect the content with what the users are looking for and inform the search engine about what the website is all about.

This becomes an automated process when the keywords match the search. The higher the relevance the keywords have the search made higher are the chances to attract the visitor to the page. Keep the Keyword density in mind.

Use long tail keywords as they seem to have a higher conversion rate. A lot of tools are available for the users to check for keyword density and what the audience is looking for these days use these tools to your advantage.

Social Media Presence: It is not possible that a website can survive with the use of the social media platforms. The wide reach of social media cannot be ignored.

The likes and comments or share on these platforms automatically fetch higher visitors to the site. It improves the Google ranking and allows wider reach in terms of readers and customers.

There are many social media platforms available and the website owners are free to choose the ones that best suit their content and need.

The popular platforms here are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with millions and billions of followers.

The website can tweak the social media setting and customize each different post in a different manner. This will ensure that relevant audience with age; interest, and gender get the right kind of content.

The social media marketing can help the visitors collect feedback and conduct surveys to find relevant ideas. The key to social media is higher responsiveness and timely replies.

Social media is a platform that is active 24X7 and the ones who are looking for using it should ensure that they are also available for quick replies.

One needs to have a proper strategy which is targeted at the right kind of audience so that they know when these are available and to find the right time reach to maximum audience.

Mobile Optimization:- This is one such strategy that is now not a choice but a survival plan. The research shows that there are maximum searches that are initiated by mobile devices.

There is also higher conversion rate for the customers using these devices. Any website that is looking to tap larger audience should make use of the platform.

The WordPress SEO strategies has moved from making a website friendly to creating the website specific to mobile. The themes are also designed in a way that they allow the users to create a website that is mobile friendly and provides minimum loading time.

There would be a lot of care required to create a website that functions properly on mobile. The size, color, and text everything needs to be changed. Creating an app is an accelerated way of getting higher visitors to the website.

It may sound like tedious job thinking about so many different aspects but the honest thing to be considered is that this is the most effective ways of ensuring that the website becomes popular.

When you know that you have something worth sharing then the onus of ensuring that it reaches the larger audience also falls on you.

If you have a need for attracting a local audience then use location-specific WordPress SEO. The idea is to reach the target audience by all means possible.

It is not easy to attract the audience to your website unless you make efforts as there are so many websites floating on the internet.