Some Effective Social Media Marketing Tips for Driving Traffic to Your Website

social media marketing tips

One of the chief reasons for making the most of social media marketing tips is for driving more and more traffic to your website. If you use this smartly, social media could become an amazing source of your website traffic that could assist you in establishing a blog or an online business successfully.

While running a fabulous social media campaign for driving more and more traffic to your site, you could be using the following social media marketing tips in an effective ways.

Incorporate the Site’s URL to All Your Social Media Accounts

You must make it a point to include a website link in all your social media accounts and profiles. This URL must necessarily point to either the home page or a very important page of the website.

Even though this sounds pretty obvious but in numerous cases, people have not bothered to include their site’s URL into their individual social media profiles. Incorporating a link into your social media profiles would be great for SEO purposes and would effectively get more and more traffic to your site.

Follow these easy-to-implement SEO Tips for your Website, If used properly, that can make a significant difference as to how your website will be ranked in major Search engine.

Use & Acknowledge the Value of Social Media Advertising

The number of social media users and social media pages are going up by the day. This is good news as more people will be viewing your posts. However, it becomes tougher to present your post to your followers.

An active user on social media would be following almost one dozen pages and several hundred individuals. However, the timeline could be only demonstrating a limited number of postings.

Facebook has changed their algorithm quite a number of times but they would be presenting your posts only to just a fraction of the people following you. The best way of incorporating your message to followers’ timeline is to effectively use Facebook advertising.

If you have an Instagram account, you can also invest in Instagram ads to give your brand a better exposure.

Use Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags could be generating an increased exposure to social media posts. You must learn and follow the existing best practices for effectively using hashtags.

You must make sure that you are using the hashtags correctly. You can also buy real Instagram likes to drive more traffic to your site.

Get In Touch With Industry Influencers

Devote some time to identify profiles that are regarded as the esteemed social media influencers in your industry. These are generally the accounts that boast of a huge number of followers, as well as, fantastic engagements.

You need to request them to promote your brand in their posts so that you can reach the millions of followers they have and bring them to your website.


What is the best way of drawing more and more followers? By reaching out effectively! You will get people’s attention if you make things easier for them so that they could share your content effectively.

Moreover, you need to post on a regular basis. Refrain from over promoting your products and respond to the likes and comments by followers. Follow these expert social media marketing tips for boosting traffic to your website.

About Sonal S Sinha

11dae702a356d468182d790062ba440f?s=90&d=mm&r=gSonal S Sinha is a regular blogger for WordPress and WooCommerce. He comes with a rich experience of 15+ years in WordPress ecosystem. He writes and shares insights related to website design, digital marketing and WordPress related topics. Check out the free WordPress themes launched by him and his team at SKT Themes.

You can follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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