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WordPress SEO

Ways To Boost WordPress SEO

ways to boost WordPress seo

On the off chance that you need a decent position in the web search tools, at that point, you have to consider the importance of SEO. WordPress is good for SEO, particularly the new versions of free WordPress themes.

It’s one of the numerous reasons individuals pick WordPress in the first place. Setting up a WordPress site is simple, but properly optimizing them for SEO is not.

SEO is not limited to low-quality link building and keyword stuffing. It has truly experienced development in the previous decade and will evolve constantly.

There are a number of things one can do to take WordPress SEO to next level. If you want your WordPress blog to rank higher in search engine page result, here are a few things that you should consider doing.

Ways to Boost SEO on Your WordPress Website:

  • Choose your hosting provider carefully

The initial step is to guarantee your site loads quickly since speed is a very important ranking factor for Google.

In the event that your webpage is not loading quick, you can contact your host and ask them why is your site performing slowly on their server, yet on the off chance that they neglect to give you a specific reason, you can make sure that their servers are slow in the first place.

As Google takes speed into account while ranking sites, a good host can help push you to the top of search engine page results. A good way to go is with a WordPress specific hosting plan, these fully manage plan provide impressive speed and no downtime.

  • Pick a theme that is optimized for search engines

Your theme is amongst the most essential decisions you’ll make for your free WordPress theme. It controls your site’s appearance and layout, can give new functionality, and also plays important role in its SEO.

For instance, your template can affect your site’s speed — which is essential. The way in which a template was produced additionally matters since clean code gives your site the best chance in search engine page results.

Thus, when picking a design you’ll need to decide to choose one while also considering SEO. These themes are often referred to as SEO friendly.

You may likewise need to search for a template that offers explicit features specifically designed to enhance your SEO, for example, new heading tag options. Luckily, there are a lot of themes accessible to choose from.

  • Use a dedicated SEO plugin

In case you’re new to WordPress, you may not yet be comfortable with plugins. These are little bits of extra software you can install, which add new highlights and functionality to your site.

There are plugins to enable your site to do pretty much anything including rank higher in search engines. In fact, there are numerous plugins designed explicitly to enhance your website’s SEO.

For better outcomes, you can likewise select on a complete SEO plugin, for example, Yoast SEO, which will include an entire suite of optimization focused features to your site.

  • Use heading tags for your content

For individual content for your website, you need to use heading tags. Using heading tags while structuring your content achieves two things. It gives a visual advantage, by separating your content and making it easier to read.

Likewise, visitors give a lot of attention to headings, utilizing them to see how your content is organized and what it’s about. So, while making posts and pages for your free WordPress themes, remember to use WordPress heading options frequently and consistently.

  • Built your content around keywords

Choose a keyword for each post or page and utilize it in various places on your site like as the title, the headings, and the content itself is a common way to communicate your topic to search engine visitors and this also increases the chances of showing your content in relevant searches. It is best to avoid forcing your keyword into many places so that it appears unnatural or spam.

  • Include useful internal links and external links

Google and other web search tools don’t think about your site invalid. Rather, they see how well it’s connected, both inside and to different sites.

Utilizing a lot of links all through your posts and pages advises visitors how they relate to similar content. It likewise urges other individuals to link back to your site which in turn communicates to search engine that your content is profitable.

Always look to incorporate links where they fit naturally and to point readers towards high-quality websites that already rank highly in search engine result pages. Smart use of both internal and external links is the key to achieving the best SEO results possible.

  • Make use of responsive design on your site

More individuals than ever are utilizing cell phones to browse the web. This implies your site needs to look and execute as great on any type of device a visitor happens to be using. Responsive design is important to the point that Google utilizes it as a ranking element.

On the off chance that your site is responsive, its chances on appearing on the search result pages are much better. For WordPress clients, the most ideal approach to begin with a responsive plan is to pick a theme which is responsive.

  • Optimize your images

Pictures are important for any site. They give visual appeal and context, in addition to they help to break up the text and make it progressively meaningful. They can likewise affect your SEO.

For one, the quality and size of your pictures can influence your pages, loading speed, which is a ranking factor. Be sure to optimize your images and other media as they have a little impact on your site performance.

  • Update and add your post frequently

If you want your site to do consistently well in search engine result pages over time, you will want to add new content regularly. Try and create a post schedule to keep yourself on track and changing up the types of content you create to keep yourself and your visitors interested.

Also, do not neglect older posts and pages. Updating your existing content reminds visitors to re-evaluate it and to give it higher importance.

  • Focus on quality content

Whenever Google and other search engines make complex algorithms for ranking sites, they will likely help the most relevant and valuable sites score higher.

On the off chance that you need to see accomplishment with your SEO efforts, you have to concentrate on making quality content. Always keep in mind to carefully check and edit all that you add to your site as details matter the most.

Obviously, picking WordPress as your platform is the ideal initial step to making a well-optimized site. At that point, you’ll have to pick the correct host, select an appropriate free WordPress themes, and consider getting one or more targeted plugin.

seo tips for wordpress website

5 Easy to Implement SEO Tips for Your WordPress Website

seo tips for wordpress website

As a website developer, I recognize the importance of keeping my blog in stellar shape. This essentially boils down to conducting routine checks on the optimization of my blog to make sure it appears at the top of search engine results.

The deluge of readily wavering search engine algorithms entail us to optimize our WordPress website constantly so that it stays relevant to search engines. Besides, what is the point of going to such painstaking lengths to create all this content and launch a new product if it fails to reach your consumer base?

The most efficient seo tips for WordPress website is to think in terms of how users will generate the search query and what will be the eventual user experience?

If your website is replete with expedient content and helpful solutions, you’ll be rewarded by search engines. Due to some unfortunate series of events, your WordPress blog is not appearing on Google.

Here are some SEO tips for WordPress website to improve the rankings:

1) It All Begins with Quality Content

Content is the one true king. Regardless of whether you are running an eCommerce store or providing seo services, content is the key driver of luring traffic towards your website.

Instead of just penning down a superfluous stream of gibberish for the benefit of the search engine spiders, try writing meaningful content that caters to the pain-points of your users. Why do customers need to buy from you?

What makes your product stand out from thousand others floating around in your niche? So, before putting out all the content, take some time to craft it for the target customers.

As for Google. the search engine giant shows a special proclivity for quality and inventive content. Capitalize on genuine stats, draw on the unique history of your products, and include actual first-hand reviews of your products to make your content appear credible and worth its salt.

Avoid grammatical and semantic errors as it leaves a bad fragrance in the mouth and makes your content appear shoddy and hastily put together, which doesn’t say much about you as a brand.

2) Invest Your Efforts in Keyword Research

Contrary to what people might say, keywords still matter. A lot. Keywords are the gateway to bring your customers to your brand. If you’re able to provide the shortest route to their destination, customers are prone to choosing your path every single time.

Neil Patel’s guide on seo tips for WordPress website provides a detailed walk-through on how to leverage keyword tools to escalate the rankings of your WordPress website. Furthermore, long-tail keywords are still quite effective in getting your website ranked higher in Google search.

You can use myriad keyword planner tools present online, and since most come at a minimal cost, they are rather easy on the pockets. By strategically interspacing keywords across your page, you’ll be able to get your pages ranked better in Google search.

3) Link Building is Not Yet Dead

When Larry Page first developed page rank, the theme behind it was to link several similar pages together. Google still sticks to the same algorithm to rank websites on search pages.

If you have been successful in soliciting the attention of some high-end blogs or websites and got them to point towards your website, Google will consider it as a high-authority website as well.

The only condition is that you must earn the link authority in a genuine manner. You can either call upon pertinent social media influencers to review your website on their blogs, or you can plan a blogger’s meet-up and request them to test and review your product.

Honest reviews in personal blogs, guest postings, and even social media mentions can go a long way towards pointing your WordPress SEO in the right direction.

4) Optimize Media Files

Google’s fleet of smart algorithms are now more inclined than ever towards creating a seamless experience for all users. So, if your website qualifies in this category, hats off. If not, you need to do some serious legwork on your website.

Slow loading pages are one surefire way to incur the wrath of Google and declare open war. Google admires flawless and simple UX interfaces, boasting a high-end engagement level.

The easiest way to enhance the loading speed of your website is to optimize all media on your website. Reduce the size of your images by Tiny JPEG or any other online image optimization tools, which are available for free.

5) Enhance Your Mobile UX

It all dates back to the year 2015 when Google announced open war against websites that were not exactly considered mobile-friendly. Since then, website developers have been constantly struggling to ensure responsive in all their websites.

Anything less than responsive, and Google will take no time in chucking the ranking of your website out the window rather unceremoniously. Google itself lays a lot of emphasis to mobile search when it comes to ranking websites in search results.

This has forced web developers across the globe to transform their websites into responsive ones. With such stiff competition between brands, it is getting rather trying for businesses to optimize their websites in a way that still facilitates the end-user and retains the level of satisfaction with the website.

The key to a high search engine ranking is when a brand is able to provide a solid user experience. If you’re doing it the right way, your ranking will improve in no time.

On the Closing Note…

Ranking your WordPress website on Google is a tough job. If you aspire to appear on the first page of Google search results, it is advisable to keep on improving, max up optimization, and keep on tapping into what your competitors are doing.

If you find something that is working for them, try it out and see seo tips for WordPress website if it works for you too. Till then, use the above seo tips for WordPress website to constantly stay ahead of your competition.

Author Bio: Irfan Ak is a digital marketing expert a guest blogger on various websites. He is a passionate digital strategist. Currently, associated with a digital agency. He has worked with various other brands and created value for them.