Recipe Lite - Free Food WordPress Theme

Free Recipe WordPress Theme
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Free Theme
  • Less homepage sections
  • No inner pages
  • No Support
  • No Typography Options
  • No Icon Options
  • No Header Layouts
  • No footer Layouts
  • Less plugins compatible
  • Less updates
  • Less flexibility
  • More Time for Website Build

Features of Free Food WordPress Theme:

Just glance through some of the main features of our free recipe WordPress theme so that you can get a real feel of what it’s all about.

  1. Simple to follow comes with customizer so that you can modify, tweak easily
  2. Easy to understand and novice users can also get it done
  3. Free food WordPress theme is Page builder compatible which are the Visual composer, Divi, Elementor, Live Composer, and others
  4. A full-width page template is given so that one can easily set up page builder layouts as they wish for
  5. Create your own layouts with the help of full wide template and page builder plugins
  6. Shortcodes compatible and shortcode plugins work just fine with this free food WordPress theme
  7. Colour changing and easily using a color picker the whole site color tone can be changed
  8. Slider by default is provided
  9. Responsive 100% and has been tested for cross-browser, cross-device and cross-platform compatibility
  10. Free food WordPress theme can be considered as a complete website solution
  11. Flat and material design approach has been used which means all modern browsers covered
  12. The sidebar is widget friendly and can hold an unlimited number of widgets
  13. Recipe plugins are compatible and hence one can showcase nice food-related blog
  14. WooCommerce compatible and works like plug and play and hence opening an online food ordering store or selling food packets online won’t be a great deal
  15. Other Plugins like slider, gallery, events calendar, SEO plugins, and other popular ones like page builder, widgets etc are all compatible
  16. Social Icons given inbuilt for a few and one may add other social sharing plugins too
  17. Effective areas of importance like call area, slider buttons, and others are also provided
  18. SEO plugins like Yoast, All in One SEO and others are compatible
  19. SMO friendly with social sharing plugins working fine on blog areas
  20. Static pages like 404, search, category, archives and others are provided
  21. Blog layout can be set up easily without any issues
  22. Comments like Disqus, Facebook, intense debate and other plugins are also compatible
  23. Lots of gallery plugins and slider plugins are compatible as well
  24. Multilingual plugins like WPML, qTranslate X, Polylang and others are
  25. Screen resolutions of HD, Desktop, mobile, tablet and others have been tested and found to be working fine
  26. POT file is provided for easy language string translation
  27. 5 levels of drop-down have been provided so that any user can easily add their pages and other links of the website
  28. Free food WordPress theme is full of eye-catching images.

Free Recipe WordPress Theme

This is one of the most comprehensive free recipe WordPress themes available which is why you should utilize the same for your website; you should be able to set up your website with ease, along with all the requisite tweaks and changes in a matter of minutes.

According to a recent marketing study, it was discovered that most of the foodies often order food online which is why if you are in the restaurant business or a caterer, it would make more sense to set up a website.

And the good news is that you can even get one set up for free by opting to base it on the WordPress platform.  WordPress is a free resource and the fact that it is becoming more popular due to its CMS, is reason enough for you to build your website using WordPress.

So get started by checking out our free recipe WordPress theme; it comes in both free and premium versions with the premium one coming loaded with over 650 Google fonts.

You can also check out other free recipe WordPress theme online; each theme would come loaded with templates that you can select to use on your front page and some of these themes, especially the premium ones are bound to come with a built-in page builder that you can utilize to build other pages of your website.

Since you are in the restaurant business, you need to ensure that the design you choose is stylish and comes in an attractive font, colors that are bound to appeal to most users. And yes, it is important that you use the front page to display a few high res glossy images of the restaurant itself or the food so that it generates interest.

Most free recipe WordPress theme carry templates and pre-built pages such as “about us”, contact and so on but we just tend to go the extra mile with our themes so check out the details and features posted below. Choosing the right WordPress theme is as important as the website itself, so make sure that you choose the right layout and templates for your website. It would be a good idea to go for themes that are fully customizable so that you can tweak the header, footer and get it set up as your preference.

More importantly, you can even go ahead and get it all set up in a matter of few minutes without having to do any coding and that’s the beauty of WordPress – the fact that most of the processes are automatic and you would not have to sweat it out to get the website up and running.

When choosing a particular theme, you may want to double check and see if it is wooCommerce compatible for obvious reasons. Since you are planning to set up a website to enable online users to place orders, you would naturally need a website that is wooCommerce compatible and one that streamlines billing, payment and invoicing.

The other thing that you may want to check and see is whether the new theme is compatible with other browsers since some may not be. In simple terms, your website with the theme that you had selected must be compatible with all browsers or at least the popular ones.

This is why you may want to do a demo with the chosen theme as that can help you find out if it will be a good fit for your site or not. For example, our free recipe WordPress theme comes with a bevy of features including built-in menus that you can use for your restaurant/ catering business with ease.

Moreover, or theme comes with a host of features that you can use to streamline your business effectively and reach out to more customers.

And what makes our theme stand apart from the rest is the fact that it is compatible with some of the top page builders’ and multi-lingual plugins such as WMPL, q translate, and others, so that you can display the content in the desired language while increasing your reach at the same time.

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