Features That Every E-Commerce Mobile App Should Have to Be Successful

e-commerce mobile apps

While the volume of internet searches fired from mobile devices has already crossed that from desktops, e-commerce transactions are showing a similar trend. This makes the development of mobile apps to facilitate e-commerce all the more important.

Some must-have features of e-commerce mobile apps:

Intuitive Design

With the typical mobile user using the app on the go, the app design needs to be comprehensible in the first few seconds. It may be very fulfilling to design something that tries to do a lot many things; however, it is well-established that users tend not to use apps that they find complicated.

Simplicity is the key with the user being able to perform the most common actions without any hassle. When the user finds the app easy to figure out and use, it is more likely that he will stay with it and transact.


E-commerce apps need to take the security of personal and financial information of the user very seriously because, most users are very worried that their names, addresses, bank account details, credit card details, etc.

Can be used by the unscrupulous people. When building an app, you need to discuss with the mobile app development company Mumbai the security measures that they are putting in to prevent unauthorized access and use of confidential data. Test repeatedly to establish that there are no security loopholes.

Visual Orientation

When users use mobile apps, there is a need to make the information available to them fast and without cluttering the interface. One way of doing this is to make the app visual-oriented using good quality images to convey information.

Since the human brain processes images far faster than text, images can do the job very well. However, you need to be careful about the image selection process as using low-quality or stock images can pull your reputation down.

Social Media Integration

It is well known that the biggest stumbling block to people signing up for accounts on e-commerce apps and websites is the form. You should integrate your app with popular social media platforms so that users can simply sign in using their social media credentials and can skip the tedious signing up procedure.

The other advantage of social media integration is that now app users can very easily share interesting stuff on the app to their social accounts thereby giving your brand a bigger exposure.

Easy Checkout

If you make your checkout process long and complicated all the good work that you have done to engage the customer and induce him to transact goes for a complete toss.

As it is, more than two-thirds of all potential checkouts are abandoned due to various reasons so it is better not to make the checkout add to the mess. Keeping the process simple, clean, and direct without any ambiguity and by providing all the alternatives, you can ensure a higher rate of conversions.


Users seek a buying experience that is very easy and fast, and unless your mobile app can score very high on these parameters, you will not get the expected return on investment.

About Sonal S Sinha

11dae702a356d468182d790062ba440f?s=90&d=mm&r=gSonal S Sinha is a regular blogger for WordPress and WooCommerce. He comes with a rich experience of 15+ years in WordPress ecosystem. He writes and shares insights related to website design, digital marketing and WordPress related topics. Check out the free WordPress themes launched by him and his team at SKT Themes.

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