Which digital marketing techniques (SEO vs SEM vs SMM) is best one for your business?


Digital marketing Techniques for business

You all are aware of the various digital marketing techniques but not to the deep level.

There are many techniques now but it is somewhat tricky which to use and how to use in an appropriate way in order to get expected results.

Digital marketing has made the things easier for all business owners and companies tremendously.

It proved to be advantageous specifically for startups. Digital marketing for business is like a boon for all.

By adopting diversified digital marketing strategies and tactics anyone can augment sales noticeably.

So, here in this post, we are going to discuss various digital marketing techniques. And, hopefully, we can make a choice which one is topnotch.

  1. SEO(Search Engine Optimization):

Website ranking plays a vital role in traffic of your website. No matter how much elegant your website is?

But, if you do not have good search results then all your drudgery will fritter.

SEO techniques encompass numerous strategies and practices to enhance search rankings of your website on search engine result page(SERP). If your website will rank higher then it leads to enhance traffic to your website.

Some of the SEO techniques are meta description, legitimate keyword research, enthralling content, meta tags, SEO optimized coding of the website, fast loading speed of a website, meta tags and likewise.

Different types of SEO Digital Marketing techniques are listed below.

On Page Optimization:  

on page SEO

In on page optimization, you have to optimize your webpage in order to increase its rank in SERPs. After doing appropriate keyword research you can optimize your webpage by targeting that keyword.

Use that keyword with a density of 5-10%. If you are posting any blog then include the keyword in the meta description and title also.

But this is not much sufficient you also have to take care of other techniques in digital marketing for business.

Off Page optimization:

off page seo

From the other pertinent websites, you can get backlinks. Consider you have to optimize your website, so you can quest for a website with higher search ranking and can seek one-way backlinks from that website.

But you have to ensure that the link incorporated your keyword in the anchor text. This way, you can have quality backlinks and you can also enhance search rankings of your website.

Thus, digital marketing for business proved to be efficient to attain good search results.

White Hat SEO technique:

White hat technique incorporates optimizing the website as per the rules developed by Google. This is one of the best digital marketing techniques.

All the rules are updated at regular time intervals. Some of the optimization rules of designing the website are listed below.

  • A user-friendly design approach.
  • Evacuating irrelevant elements thereby augmenting the loading speed of your website.
  • Making the pages responsive and many others.

It might be plausible that this technique will take time but it has better and long-term benefits.

Black Hat SEO technique:

As per name you have understood that these techniques are considered to be unscrupulous. It is just opposite of the white hat SEO techniques as it is not as per the rules developed by the search engine.

Of course, the tactics and strategies used will make you available with higher rankings. Some of the techniques of Black Hat SEO are listed below.

  • Websites are not designed with a user-friendly approach.
  • Represent content in a cluttered manner.
  • Violate search engine rules and regulations.    

 It will not give you good results if consider for a long run. Will work in a legitimate way only in the beginning.

And, it might plausible that your website would be banned with the use of this techniques.

  1. SEM(Search Engine Marketing):

It deals with inflating traffic rate and enhancing visibility with paid search results. It is somewhat similar to SEO but you have to pay for this.

On the top right-hand side of the organic results, paid search results appear. It comprised of diversified features and tools as well.

If you are also looking forward to adopting this technique then you have to be aware of all the methods of it.

Some of them are Click Through Rates (CTR), Cost Per Click (CPC), advertisement copy, geographic locations, and many other factors.

Some of the largest platforms using SEM are Google, Yahoo, Microsoft adCenter, AdWords, and Search Marketing. One of the optimum technique of SEM to drive more traffic is PPC(Pay Per Click).

You do not have to wait a long to see its results, you can able to see results immediately. Digital marketing for business helps you in growing your business.

But, you have to use it carefully with a short term and long term goal in mind. As whenever you thwart PPC campaign you may not get as much traffic as you are getting earlier.

  1. SMO(Social Media Optimization):

Internet social media Marketing

It is related to spawning business/company accounts on various social media platforms. By doing this, people can share your website content like blogs, articles or any other information with their contacts.

So, you can create a profile on various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. And, can share legitimate information about your business or company in that profiles.

But, keep in mind one thing that the information you share will be of people’s interest. And, you also have to take care while doing the selection of platform and adopting appropriate digital marketing techniques to promote your contents.

As a result, you can enthrall more traffic to your website without spending even a penny.

  1. SMM(Social Media Marketing):

By making use of this technique you can promote your channel with the use of social media channels.

You can also do paid advertising on numerous social media channels and can appear in the paid search results. You can step forward to take profit from prodigious social media community available on diverse channels.

Yes, when we are talking about paid social marketing then it is similar to SEM.

One of the major similarity is you only have to pay if a visitor clicks on your ad. Hence, digital marketing for business proved to be advantageous no matter any kind of business is.

Wrap Up:

As per my opinion, all the techniques are optimum at its own place. But, it totally depends on your requirements and budget.

Like if you do not want to invest any money then you can go for SEO and SMO.

In vice versa situation, you can opt SEM SMM. Digital marketing for business is a boon specifically for start-up business or companies.


About Sonal S Sinha

11dae702a356d468182d790062ba440f?s=90&d=mm&r=gSonal S Sinha is a regular blogger for WordPress and WooCommerce. He comes with a rich experience of 15+ years in WordPress ecosystem. He writes and shares insights related to website design, digital marketing and WordPress related topics. Check out the free WordPress themes launched by him and his team at SKT Themes.

You can follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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