Choosing Graphics Cards: Technical Characteristics You Should Pay Attention To

Choosing Graphics Cards

Whether you are an amateur or experienced computer user, sooner or later you have to upgrade your hardware. Someone wants to improve computer performance. Others need to change elements that are broken or outdated.

For gamers, it’s important to change GPU regularly unless they are going to play one and the same game for hours. Moreover, everyone who wants to experience cryptocurrency mining can’t cope without a powerful graphics card.

On the website, you can find a wide range of available variants. It’s possible to pick up the most appropriate model that meets the definite needs. Yet, before you smash your computer, you have to be sure you really need to change GPU. If you experience one of the following symptoms, it’s high time to choose a new graphics card:

  • Artifacting. It means the pictures look strange; colors are not as they supposed to be;

  • The loud sounds of the graphics card fan;

  • The drivers crash from time to time. It’s a very annoying and disruptive process;

  • Black or blue screens;

  • Screen glitches.

You have to think about the updating of the graphics card if you are going to work with 3D models, mine crypto, become a good web designer or just enjoy the newly-released PC or online games.

To choose the best GPU is not an easy task. If you think that it’s a good idea just to buy the most expensive article, you are wrong. The most important criterion is not the price but the technical characteristics.

Tips for Choosing Graphics Cards

The first thing you should know about is that there are two main types of GPUs: integrated and discrete. The first one is a part of the CPU. You don’t need to expect extra-quality from it.

It’s good for watching videos online, surfing the Net, and sending emails. The discrete cards are a must when it comes to improving visual performance. On the website, you can find the samples of both variants.

You have to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The manufactures. Everyone knows AMD or Nvidia products. They are the most popular and effective ones. Yet, the list of GPU manufacturers includes a couple of dozens of companies. It’s necessary to compare other characteristics, too;

  • Memory capacity. 4 GB is enough for gaming at 1080p. However, nowadays 4K becomes more and more popular. It needs more than 8 GB;

  • Thermal Design Power. You should consider the characteristics of both the PSU and GPU. The modern graphics cards often have 250-watt TDP;

  • The shape and sizes of the card. No matter how cool and powerful GPU you but, it’s useless if there is no place for it in your case. The most popular models are full-height, half-height, dual-slot, single-slot, and even triple-slot;

  • The number of CUDA cores. It may vary between 2 and 16 cores in standard gaming CPU. The high-end cards may have up to thousands of them.

It’s also important to consider such characteristics as power limit, core clock, memory clock, and fan speed.

The right choice of GPU is the main condition for perfect visual performance and stable operation of your computer.

About Sonal S Sinha

11dae702a356d468182d790062ba440f?s=90&d=mm&r=gSonal S Sinha is a regular blogger for WordPress and WooCommerce. He comes with a rich experience of 15+ years in WordPress ecosystem. He writes and shares insights related to website design, digital marketing and WordPress related topics. Check out the free WordPress themes launched by him and his team at SKT Themes.

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